26th Day of the French Marcé Society in Bordeaux organized by Anne-Laure Sutter-Dallay's team.

We were delighted to hear from French, Swiss and Canadian researchers. We are very proud that, after many years of determined work, perinatal mental health becomes a psychiatric specialty in France. The emphasis was put on coordinated graduated and integrated care in perinatal network.

We heard from the development of the brain and the synaptic connections which are significantly higher during the early life even during pregnancy. 20% of genes could be modulated by epigenetic. (1)

Two types of treatment were presented: The impact of an interactive guidance intervention on sustained social withdrawal in infants (2), and An innovative treatment of PTSD with a visuospatial task within 6 hours following an emergency caesarean section (3)

Finally, computational psychiatry using artificial intelligence could be used to enable a robust, precise, and person-centered psychiatry which considers the person in his/her social context within a framework of lifelong development (4).

By: Dr Charlotte Xavier-David, Communications Committee Memeber of The International Marcé Society