bWho we are” statement: The Portuguese Marce Society was founded in November 2019 ,from a partnership between Professor Bárbara Figueiredo (Portugal) and Erika Vieira (Brazil). This regional group Aims to improve the promotion, support and protection of perinatal mental health, in mothers, fathers and babies. Along with the intent to share and implement knowledge and good practices under a multidisciplinary network, involving practitioners, academics and researchers from different areas and from the Portuguese language countries.
When the group was founded/started: 2019
Membership Information:
Diamond Membership R$1219.62/ €228.44EUR/ $250 USD
Gold Membership R$975.70/ €182.75 EUR/ $200 USD
Silver Membership R$390.28/ €73.10 EUR/ $80 USD
Student Membership R$390.28/ €18.28 EUR/ $20 USD
Developing Countries Membership R$390.28/ €18.28 EUR/18.28 $20 USD
Main point of contact:
Executive Committee:
President: Dr. Bárbara Figueiredo
Vice President: Dr. Ana Conde
Secretary: Drs. Tiago M. Pinto & Eunice Gus Camargo
Treasurer: Raquel Correia