Helpful Links for the Public

Everyone’s Business Campaign in the UK

The Maternal Mental Health Alliance launches its #everyonesbusiness campaign – Tuesday 8th July. Pregnant women and new mothers in almost half of the UK do not have access to specialist mental health services, potentially leaving them and their babies at risk. Maps highlighting the gaps in provision are published on

The Marcé Society is delighted to support the #everyonesbusiness campaign which aims to improve the lives of all women throughout the UK who experience perinatal mental health problems, and will provide the key information and tools to support commissioners and service providers to make the necessary improvements.

UK Counselling Directory

The Maternal Mental Health Alliance launches its #everyonesbusiness campaign – Tuesday 8th July. Pregnant women and new mothers in almost half of the UK do not have access to specialist mental health services, potentially leaving them and their babies at risk. Maps highlighting the gaps in provision are published on

The Marcé Society is delighted to support the #everyonesbusiness campaign which aims to improve the lives of all women throughout the UK who experience perinatal mental health problems, and will provide the key information and tools to support commissioners and service providers to make the necessary improvements.

Resources for Individuals Related to the Armed Forces

Screening for Postpartum Depression in Military Women with the Postpartum Depression Screening Scale     Click to View
Invisible Wounds of War Psychological and Cognitive Injuries, Their Consequences, and Services to Assist Recovery     Click to View
Pregnancy and Mental Health Among Women Veterans Returning from Iraq and Afghanistan     Click to View
Strengthening and Sustaining Army Families     Click to View

Mental Health of Military Women and Spouses

If you are searching for a care provider for you or a family member, you may visit the website of the American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology, The website has a psychopharmacologist database where you can enter your state and search for members in the U.S.. Also you can contact Postpartum Support International for a local referral – they maintain both self help group and professional referrals. This is always a place to start. Here is their website:

Bluebell Nurses is a new charity based in Bristol in the UK raising funds for specialist nurses to support Mothers & Families affected by Post-natal & Ante-natal Depression.

NIMH Director’s Blog features a spotlight on Postpartum Depression: Thomas Insel, Spotlight on Postpartum Depression

Footprints Baby Loss

Footprints Baby Loss aims to provide support and guidance to families who experience the death of one or more of their twins or triplets before, during or after birth, and to help to educate and train Health Care professionals looking after these baby loss parents, promoting good standards of bereavement care.

We understand the value of having a safe space to be able to communicate with someone who has been through something similar, and aim to provide a kind, caring and inclusive approach with our baby bereavement services. Our support is provided by those who have had first hand experience of twin or triplet baby loss. 

Begin Before Birth

This website, from Marcé Society Treasurer Vivette Glover, shows how the emotional state of the mother can affect the neurodevelopment of the fetus, and shows some of the underlying mechanisms. There are three short films to view.

“Babies Aloud” – What Men Need To Know About Postnatal Depression

For fathers, health professionals, groups, and individuals. The films are designed to challenge stereotypes by reinforcing the notion of a balanced parental relationship which is fundamental to help the mother affected by post natal depression to cope with the disorder and to make an effective recovery from it. Each film looks at a particular aspect of the mother/father/infant relationship, examines the particular stressors and misconceptions that can cause it to become unbalanced and proposes possible remedies.

The films are not intended to positivistic, in the sense of linking specific problems with specific solutions, because often problems in postnatal depression are not well defined and overlap with the ordinary responsibilities of parenthood and child-care. Rather they are intended to stimulate a focused discussion in which possibly difficulties and possible solutions can be constructively debated.

Bluebell Nurses is a new charity based in Bristol in the UK raising funds for specialist nurses to support Mothers & Families affected by Post-natal & Ante-natal Depression.


Funded through the NIMH, this educational resource provides healthcare professionals with materials to help screen, diagnose, treat, and refer women with postpartum depression (PPD). It includes interactive presentations/case studies, expert panel discussions, diagnostic tools, video vignettes of patients, and a comprehensive slide library. The patient section of the site contains materials for women with PPD and information for friends and family members in both English and Spanish. Links and contact information for a variety of resources are available for those in immediate need.

The Mental Health Foundation

A leading UK charity that provides information, carries out research, campaigns and works to improve services for anyone affected by mental health problems, whatever their age and wherever they live.

Action on Postpartum Psychosis

Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP) is a network of women across the UK who have experienced postpartum psychosis and who want to increase and support research into the condition. APP is run by a team of academics and health professionals from Cardiff and Birmingham universities and, most importantly, women who have recovered from PP. APP aims to:

*provide up to date research information to women who have experienced PP and to their families.
*facilitate research into PP.
*increase awareness of PP among health professionals and the general public.
*advocate for improved services for women who experience PP.

Birth Trauma Association

The Birth Trauma Association supports all women who have had a traumatic birth experience.

The Organization of Teratology Information Specialists/MotherToBaby
OTIS, the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists, is a non-profit organization made up of individual services (TIS) throughout North America. We are dedicated to providing accurate evidence-based, clinical information to patients and health care professionals about exposures during pregnancy and lactation. The website includes fact sheets about exposures to diseases and medications.


The Birth Trauma Association supports all women who have had a traumatic birth experience.

The Organization of Teratology Information Specialists/MotherToBaby
OTIS, the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists, is a non-profit organization made up of individual services (TIS) throughout North America. We are dedicated to providing accurate evidence-based, clinical information to patients and health care professionals about exposures during pregnancy and lactation. The website includes fact sheets about exposures to diseases and medications.


The Birth Trauma Association supports all women who have had a traumatic birth experience.

The Organization of Teratology Information Specialists/MotherToBaby
OTIS, the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists, is a non-profit organization made up of individual services (TIS) throughout North America. We are dedicated to providing accurate evidence-based, clinical information to patients and health care professionals about exposures during pregnancy and lactation. The website includes fact sheets about exposures to diseases and medications.


PSI is a non-profit organisation based in the United States. It was founded to increase awareness among the public and professional communities about the emotional difficulties that women experience during and after pregnancy.

Purple Crying Website


TABS is Trauma And Birth Stress, a Charitable Trust that serves as a support group of mothers. We have in common stressful and traumatic pregnancies or births that affected our lives negatively for months or years afterwards.

An Invitation to Marcé Members

We welcome suggestions for additional links that will benefit the mental health of women, their infants and partners around the time of childbirth