Welcome to the IMMP!
The IMMP aims to foster career development and international collaboration across our perinatal mental health community. The IMMP began in 2019 and since then, we have successfully matched approximately 100 mentor/mentee pairs from all over the world.

Mentors and Mentees
- Mentors can be mid-career and senior clinicians, researchers, educators, policy-makers, or advocates in perinatal mental health.
- Mentees can be trainees/students, early career professionals, or those exploring a new facet in any career stage.
- Mentors and mentees must be Marcé members.

Match Process
We conduct our mentorship pairs matches once per year, usually in the first quarter and our calls are widely advertised in the Marcé society mailing list, regional groups, and SIGs. If you are interested to be a mentor or mentee, please contact us on: r.castro@psychologie.uzh.ch
What mentors and mentees experiences in our program have been like:

“I decided to become an IMMP mentor since I am very grateful for the support guidance that has been and still is provided by my wonderful Marcé mentors. My mentee is a blessing and I am delighted to offer any assistance to her perinatal mental health PhD or career. The most valuable aspect of being a mentor is that I feel that my mentee is now my colleague and my friend. What has most surprised me about being a mentor is how such a small contribution can be so helpful to someone else”.
~ Debra Sims, Australia