Why Join the International Marcé Society?
The International Marcé Society for Perinatal Mental health is an international society for the understanding, prevention and treatment of mental illness related to childbearing. The principal aim of the society is to promote, facilitate and communicate about research into all aspects of the mental health of women, their infants and partners around the time of childbirth. This involves a broad range of research activities ranging from basic science through to health services research.
As a member of Marcé, you are a part of a society whose members work to:
- Exchange the latest advances in research
- Facilitate communication and collaboration in research
- Promote educational programs to effectively disseminate new research findings, both in the scientific community and to the lay public
- Encourage publication of research
- Increase the public understanding of the personal, familial and societal impact of the mental health of women, their infants and partners
- Support increased research funding for prenatal and postpartum women’s mental health research around the world
- Promote the highest scientific and ethical standards in research and its application in clinical psychiatric practice
Your membership in the International Marcé Society offers:
- Complimentary subscription to the Archives of Women’s Mental Health for all members
- Special Interest Group opportunities
- Discounted registration to International and Regional conferences
- Members Only Newsletters
- The ability to join the member listserv, with discussions related to all issues surrounding pregnancy and questions about treatment, medication, new studies, special cases, and much more
- Email updates on meetings, announcements on new findings, and stories and features from physicians, nurses, midwives, and other specialists in the field
- The opportunity to join our Mentorship Program
International Membership Levels
The Society welcomes members from across the globe with the aim to grow and sustain the international perinatal mental health community to promote research and high quality clinical care around the world.
To make membership more easily obtainable, there are five levels of membership in the International Society:

$250 USD
Voting Rights
Includes All the Benefits Listed Above, Printed version of the AWMH and Special Recognition at Confernce/Newsletter

$200 USD
Voting Rights
Includes All the Benefits Listed Above and Printed version of the AWMH

$80 USD
Voting Rights
Includes All the Benefits Listed Above

$20 USD
Only Available for Countries listed as Lower to Middle income by the World Bank
Voting Rights
Includes All the Benefits Listed Above

$20 USD
Includes All the Benefits Listed Above
Regional Marce Groups
Joining a Regional Group vs. International Group
The International Marcé Society for Perinatal Mental Health consists of a central International organization and individual Regional Groups which act as branches of the Society. The Society supports and encourages Regional Groups so that colleagues who are closer geographically or who share a common language can collaborate, communicate, and build relationships.
Membership in any Regional Group includes membership in the International Marcé Society.
When prompted in the membership form below, please join the group that best fits your language preference or current location, or join the International Society if no Regional Group applies. Current Regional Groups are listed below.

Australasian Marcé Society
If your country of origin is Australia, New Caledonia, New Guinea, New Zealand, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands, or Vanuatu, you are considered part of the Australasian Marcé Society regional group. Please select Australian Marcé Society as you proceed with your member registration.

Société Marcé Francophone
If your primary language is French, and/or if your country of origin is France, you are considered part of the Société Marcé Francophone regional group. Please select Societé Marcé Francophone as you proceed with your member registration.
Si votre langue principale est le français et/ou si votre pays d'origine est la France, vous êtes considéré comme faisant partie du groupe régional francophone de la Société Marcé. Veuillez sélectionner Société Marcé Francophone au moment de procéder à votre inscription de membre.

Marcé Gesellschaft
If your primary language is German, and/or if your country of origin is Austria or Germany, you are considered part of the Marcé Gesellschaft regional group. Please select Marcé Gesellschaft as you proceed with your member registration.
Wenn Ihre Hauptsprache Deutsch ist und/oder Ihr Herkunftsland Österreich oder Deutschland ist, zählen Sie zur Regionalgruppe der Marcé Gesellschaft. Bitte wählen Sie Marcé Gesellschaft aus, während Sie mit Ihrer Mitgliedsregistrierung fortfahren.

Società Italiana per la Salute Mentale Perinatale
If your primary language is Italian, and/or if your country of origin is Italy, you are considered part of the Società Italiana per la Salute Mentale Perinatale regional group. Please select Società Italiana per la Salute Mentale Perinatale as you proceed with your member registration.
Se la tua lingua madre è l'italiano e/o se il tuo paese di origine è l'Italia, sei considerato parte del gruppo regionale della Società Italiana per la Salute Mentale Perinatale. Seleziona Società Italiana per la Salute Mentale Perinatale mentre procedi con la registrazione come membro.

Japanese Marcé Society
If your primary language is Japanese, and/or your country of origin is Japan, you are considered part of the Japanese Marcé Society regional group. Please select Japanese Marcé Society as you proceed with your member registration.

Marcé of North America (MONA)
If your country of origin is Canada, Mexico, or the United States, you are considered part of the Marcé of North America regional group. Please select Marcé of North America as you proceed with your member registration.

Nordic Marcé Society
If your country of origin is Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands you are considered part for the Nordic Marcé Society regional group.
Marcé of North Hvis ditt opprinnelsesland er Danmark, Norge, Sverige, Finland, Island, Grønland og Færøyene regnes du som en del av Nordic Marcé Society regionsgruppe. Velg Nordic Marcé Society mens du fortsetter med medlemsregistreringen.America

Portuguese Marcé Society
If your country of origin is Brazil or Portugal and/or your primary language is Portuguese, you are considered part of the Portuguese Marcé Society regional group. Please select Portuguese Marcé Society as you proceed with your member registration.
Se o seu país de origem for o Brasil ou Portugal e/ou a sua língua materna for o português, você é considerado parte do grupo regional da Sociedade Portuguesa Marcé. Por favor selecione Sociedade Portuguesa Marcé ao prosseguir com o seu registo de membro.

Sociedad Marcé Espanola
If your country of origin is Spain and/or your primary language is Spanish, you are considered part of the Sociedad Marcé Espanola group . Please select Sociedad Marcé Espanola as you proceed with your member registration.
Si tu país de origen es España y/o tu idioma principal es el español, se te considera parte del grupo Sociedad Marcé Española. Seleccione Sociedad Marcé Española mientras continúa con su registro de miembro.

UK & Ireland (UKIMS)
If your country of origin is England, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales, you are considered part of the UKIMS group and will register on this website. Please select UK & Ireland as you proceed with your member registration.

South Asian Marcé Association (SAMA)
If your country of origin is India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan, Maldives & Afghanistan, you are considered part of the SAMA group and will register on this website. Please select South Asian Marcé Association as you proceed with your member registration.

Emerging Regional Groups
For all other countries not specified or if you do not have a Regional Group preference, please select International as you proceed with your registration.
If your country falls within the Lower to Middle income by the World Bank you should select select International (if your primary language is English) or select the language specific Regional Group that you prefer then select the LMIC membership rate below ($20 USD).
If you are having any difficulties when filling out the membership form, please contact Kelsey Sweeney at info@marcesociety.com for assistance.
Select Your Regional Group
All memberships are for the calendar year, January 1 - December 31.
Regional Group*
Please select a regional group based on your geographical location or your preferred language. All new members are monitored to ensure each member is in the correct group. If you are unsure which group you should join, please email the Executive Office at info@marcesociety.com for further assistance
Membership Details
Students or trainees in unsalaried positions or enrolled in programs related to perinatal mental health, please submit documentation verifying enrollment (letter from program head/department chair or similar document) to info@marcesociety.com. Student members do not have voting privileges nor the right to hold office in the Marcé Society.
Primary Details
First Name*
Last Name*
Press Ctrl/Cmd key and click on each to select multiple.
Professional Details
Job Title*
Other Affiliation
Contact Information
Street 2
Postal Code*
Consent Information
I consent to the society sending me email correspondence relating to my membership, meeting attendance, meeting submissions or other society programs.
Login Details
Login e-mail address*
You will receive e-mail communications to your login e-mail address.
Password must be at least 6 characters long
Re-enter Password*
I consent to the IMS and my Regional Group to support the purposes of the Society and agree to comply with its constitution.